These People Encountered Creepy Strangers And Their Stories Are Utterly Terrifying

There’s a lot of interesting people out there, but some people are interesting for all the wrong reasons…From suspicious behaviors to eerie comments, there can be all kinds of things that make meeting somebody an extremely unsettling experience.

When our gut feeling tells us to be fearful of certain individuals, it might not be a bad idea to listen. Our instincts can be right more often than we expect! Here are 50 spooky stories about the scariest people that folks have ever encountered.

1. A Long Commute

My friend's mother was walking home from the train station and became aware that she was being followed by a man. She took all sorts of detours and the man continued to follow her for the entire journey.

After about 25 minutes, she arrived at her house but had the good sense to walk straight past it and continued on to the local detective station.

Once inside, she turned around to see the man walk past. But first, he stopped to give her an extremely creepy wave. That story still terrifies me.


Scary People Facts


2. None Of His Business

When I was maybe seven or eight years old, I went to a local Burger King with my mom. I was impatient to eat, so I went to go play around in one of those plastic playground things that are about 20 feet high. There were no other kids in it, so I just started to climb to the highest point. But things got really weird, really fast…

A businessman in a white shirt and tie looked at me climbing up, then calmly put his burger down and proceeded to climb up after me. He didn't say anything as he did it.

I was old enough to think that this was weird, and had flashbacks to our school counselor talking to the class about getting kidnapped and such. I rushed to the slide and ran straight to my mom.

I gave her a giant hug. I didn't tell her about the incident until later.


Scary People Facts


3. Coming In Handy

My sister's bedroom was on the second floor of our childhood home. Late one night, she suddenly screamed and said she saw a hand on her window. We thought she was just having a nightmare and told her to go back to bed. The next morning, when we all woke up, we made a truly chilling discovery. We found a ladder leaning up against our house by her bedroom window…


Paranormal Mysteries Facts


4. Getting Up Close And Personal

I drove my sister to get sushi in a not so good part of town one time. We were in the car about to get out, and I reached down to get my wallet. I looked back up to find the creepiest, most strung-out looking human being I've ever seen in my life.

He had his face against her window, licking the glass. He then pulled his sleeve up to show us some scars on his forearm, face on the glass all the while.

I don't drive out to get food at that restaurant anymore...


Scary People Facts
