Brutally Rude Waiters

It is not uncommon for people in the service industry to be the recipients of rude comments. However, sometimes the tables are turned, and it is the customers who are left reeling from disrespectful conduct by waitstaff.

Keep reading to hear some stories from Redditors who experienced mind-blowing nasty comments and rude attitudes from servers that left them saying, “Check, please”!

1. He Was Not A Rice Guy

I went to dinner with a friend and her family at one of their favorite restaurants. They are white, and I am East Asian. The waiter came over to take our order, asked everyone what they wanted, then looked at me and said, "Let me guess…rice"?

There was a big laugh from him and crickets from everyone else. I never went back to that place again.

Rude Waiter


2. Tired Of Jive Talkin’

I was a server for a long time. I learned most of what I know about waiting tables from an older guy who took me under his wing when I got my first server job.

It was at a really nice, expensive restaurant, and new servers were expected to back waiter for a few weeks before they were trusted enough to take tables themselves.

I was back waitering for this guy when a party of eight came in.  There were four couples celebrating something. Cocktails were flowing, and appetizers disappeared. The waiter I was shadowing was making the rounds and taking orders. He had already discussed the night's specials in detail and sold a few $40+ entrees—before he got to “the loud guy”.

This guy had a few drinks in him and, much to the chagrin of his visibly embarrassed wife, had decided to impress everyone with how awesome and knowledgeable he was. So, of course, he asked the server to repeat all the specials, which he did.

The dude then started drilling down to specific ingredients, even asking what kind of herbs were in the Béarnaise sauce.

This was at 8 PM on a Friday night. The server I was shadowing and I had three other tables of four already seated. I was doing what I could, but he was trapped at this eight-top. The loud guy kept asking stupid questions and wanted to chat.

Finally, the server said, "Sir? I'm sorry, but I have other tables that need my attention. May I take your order"?

The loud guy freaked out, saying how rude he was. The server looked at him and said, "I'm sorry, sir, I didn't realize I was here to entertain you". But that’s not all he did. He then started disco dancing like John Travolta in  Saturday Night Fever. He boogied around the whole table and said to me, "Get this guy's order", before pelvic-thrusting his way back to the kitchen, leaving the eight-top table speechless.

Rude Waiter


3. He Got Fresh With Me

My wife and I were at a Mexican place a few years back.  We had finished our meals, and the waiter came over and said to my wife, "

Ma'am, I'm obligated by policy to offer you an after-dinner mint, but please don't think I personally am making any judgment on your obviously pleasant and fragrant breath". He then placed a single mint by her plate, turned to me and said, "Here"

, and emptied his apron pocket of about a hundred mints straight into my lap.

I've never tipped a rude server so much, but we were laughing for the rest of the evening.

Rude Waiter

Flickr, Marco Verch Professional

4.  She Wasn’t Foolin’

I went to Buddakan in Philadelphia with a group of friends. I was sitting next to a chubby girl. The waitress came and was taking orders. When it was the chubby girl's turn to order, she took her time contemplating and ordered a salad and water.

The waitress muttered under her breath— but loud enough where I heard it clearly as did the girl—"Uhh, who are you fooling’”?

The chubby girl’s face turned bright red, and those close by that heard it were all shell-shocked. No one said anything because they didn’t want to embarrass her any further. Needless to say, I never went back.

Rude Waiter
