“Oh Dear God”: Binge-Worthy Stories About People's Most Heart-Pounding Moments

Life is full of all kinds of challenges, and it can definitely be scary at times—but few feelings compare to the feeling of impending danger.

Whether it’s learning that we have deadly diseases, realizing that we’re about to crash into something, or discovering that we just made a hugely embarrassing mistake in front of everybody, we all have moments where the only reaction is to pause and say “

uh oh.”

"Uh Oh" Moments

1. Setting a New Bar

My biggest “uh oh” moment of all time was when I was coming out of writing an important test at school, and then suddenly noticed that my calculator had somehow been turned onto its “radians” setting instead of onto degrees. I slowly realized that this meant it had been calculating the wrong answers the entire time I was writing…


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2. Putting the “Dent” in Dentist

I heard the oral surgeon shout “Whoops!”...while his scalpel was still inside my mouth. I painfully found out the reason for this shortly afterward. As it turned out, he had accidentally cut a slit into my gums on the opposite side of my mouth. Let’s just say that this was not exactly the most pleasant experience of my life…


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3. A Case of Mistaken Identity

I texted my wife, complaining about what a nasty and terrible person my mother was acting like, only to quickly realize the worst possible option: I had just accidentally sent the message to my mother instead of to her. I could immediately tell that my mother would never let me live that error down…


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