Baffled Witnesses Share Things They’ve Seen But Can’t Explain

As much as we all like to think we know everything there is to know about this world of ours, nothing can be farther from the truth. The world is teeming with unsolved mysteries and questions we may never know the answers to.

This fact becomes most obvious in moments where we are directly confronted with something we don’t understand.

Whether it’s brushes with the paranormal or the paradoxical, people have encountered all kinds of things that have left them with nothing to do but scratch their heads and wonder.

Here are 42 stories about some of the most mysterious and confusing things that people have witnessed, but cannot explain.

42. Sock It To Me!

It was 2 am. I took my clothes off and went to sleep. A minute later, something hit me on the head. It was one of my socks. When I take them off at night, I always throw them in a corner of my room—so it was as if someone threw it back at me.

But there was no one in my room, I was 100% alone. This may not sound so scary, but believe me—it was for me!


Things They’ve Seen But Can’t Explain facts

41. I Don’t Feel Great After Hearing This!

When I was a kid, I had a talking Ernie toy that wasn't functioning properly. You had to absolutely bang it on a table for it to say "I feel great!"
When I was eight, I overheard my parents saying that my Ernie toy seemed to speak every time they talked about my grandma. I got irrationally scared, which made my parents hide Ernie in a huge tucked aside toybox.

Fast forward a bit and one day I’m playing hide and seek with a friend in the room where the toybox is.

While we were hiding, I mentioned to my friend that I thought my toy might be haunted because it speaks every time my grandma is mentioned—when all of a sudden, we heard Ernie say "I feel great!" from inside the box.

There's no way that box was moved. And even if it was somehow moved by gravity, you needed to bang that thing on the table to make it talk. We screamed and ran outside.


Things They’ve Seen But Can’t Explain facts


40. Center of Attention

I was walking down the hall one day in school, when everyone suddenly stopped and looked at me for five seconds, and then continued walking.

I went home early that day and never found out what that was all about. It was almost surreal.


Things They’ve Seen But Can’t Explain facts


39. You Have Company!

My dad is one of those completely serious types. I have hardly ever heard him laugh or crack a joke, so you pretty much always take whatever he says seriously. Anyway, we were watching some random TV show, UFO Files or Ancient Aliens, and I asked him if he believed in UFOs/aliens. He proceeds to tell me a story I had never heard him tell before.

Apparently, when he was a teenager, he and my great grandmother were on their back porch one evening (very rural southern Mississippi in the '70s) and noticed a huge object hovering over the woodline a few hundred yards from the house.

Then suddenly, it ascended vertically at an impossible speed. He said he couldn't explain what it was and hasn't seen anything like that since.


Things They’ve Seen But Can’t Explain facts
