Annoyed Family Members Describe The Biggest Losers Their Relatives Have Ever Dated

Ever heard of being “blinded by love”? Anyone that's ever wondered what that meant, read on for some dramatic examples that make it painfully clear.

Despite the fact that certain people are so clearly toxic and even abusive that anyone could see from a mile away that they add no value to their significant other’s life, some of these significant others are so truly blinded by their feelings for the other person that they remain with them despite it all—and often even refuse to acknowledge that there is a problem to begin with.

Here are 42 stories shared by parents, siblings, best friends, and others about the biggest losers their loved ones were ever unfortunate enough to have dated.

Biggest Loser facts

Supercool Creative

42. Problems By the Number

My daughter dated a guy who was a lousy, lying, lazy, abusive, gaslighting jerk.

Besides that, he:

1) dropped out of high school at 14

2) never attempted to get a GED/diploma equivalency

3) had more than one conviction for public intoxication/underage drinking/drunk driving, which left him...

4) "unable" to get a job for approximately 18 months of the about two years they were together

5) got fired from Walmart after only working two weeks, for missing work because his kid supposedly was the victim of an abduction attempt (turns out the kid made it up)

6) smoked weed in her apartment bathroom, knowing that if my daughter failed a drug screen her career would be ruined

7) had his two kids every other weekend, but spent the entire time with headphones on, gaming, meaning that my daughter had to watch his kids or they'd destroy her apartment

8) would only eat corn, potatoes, hamburgers, chicken fingers, or pizza

9) never picked up after himself, so every horizontal surface was covered in half-drunk pop cans, fast food wrappers, cups and bags, dirty plates, moldy food (daughter is an RN and worked 12-hour shifts, which is sort of an excuse)

10) punched a hole in her apartment wall

11) held a gun to his own head, then laughed at her for taking him seriously

12) constantly accused her of cheating, so she had to unfriend all males on her Facebook, including her father

13) threatened to leave when her anxiety and depression had her sleeping anytime she wasn't at work

14) when she finally decided she had enough, it was during a terrifying food-throwing, soda-hurling, furniture-smashing temper tantrum that saw her grab her cats from under the bed and come to my house 50 miles away

I could go on, but remembering all that is turning my stomach. In cleaning her apartment afterward, we had to wash the walls from where he had done a Hollywood-style sweep of the coffee table top, spraying Dr.

Pepper all over the carpet, TV, wall, and canvas art, all the way to the ceiling. Then for good measure he smashed the coffee table.

He was a complete tool and with the help of a therapist she is finally getting back to the funny, intelligent, confident girl she was before he messed her head up.


Biggest Loser facts


41. An Ultimatum Most Could Never Refuse

My little sister dated a guy who kept trying to convince her to drop out of a UC school and move into his mom's garage with him, up to and including the threatening of suicide if she didn't.

It took way too much effort on my dad’s part and mine to get her to put the kibosh on that relationship, mostly because the guy's mom thought my sister was good for him and tried to fight us on it.


Biggest Loser facts

The Case

40. Get Poor Slowly

My sister dated them all! My favorite was a guy who convinced her to have joint bank accounts and stole six months worth of pay from her. We didn’t know until after the relationship.

The dude was a major conman salesman type that had like four different get rich quick schemes going while they dated.


Biggest Loser facts


39. Changing Your Priorities

While this is nothing compared to some of the other stories here, it doesn't feel great to see my daughter move in with a high school drop out and "take a break" from college.

I'm expecting/dreading any day now to hear that her savings that were supposed to be for college will be going to pay off his debt…


Biggest Loser facts
