Spectacular Facts About Sultans

Sultans have ruled in many different dynasties, empires, and nations across the world. From the grand, to the important, to the bizarre, here are some facts about the different Sultans that have reigned throughout history.

Sultans Facts

37. Roots

Though the term "sultan" refers to a sovereign ruler, it is distinct from "king," as it is restricted to Muslim countries. The word was originally derived from an abstract noun meaning “authority” and “strength,” and was eventually adopted as a title for rulers who declared their sovereignty but did not proclaim themselves a "caliph," a spiritual successor to the Prophet Muhammad. 

Sultans Facts


36. Changing With The Time

Today, we think of a sultan as a singular ruler, but the usage of the word has evolved over time. Both the sultan’s children and main consort were also often bestowed the title. In modern times however, the title of sultan has fallen out of favor with Muslim rulers. King is now used more frequently, as it emphasized secular authority more than "sultan."

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35. Titles Unlimited

Ottoman rulers were often referred to with an honorific nickname as well as the title sultan, such as Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent. However, in Turkey today they do not refer to Ottoman leaders as sultans, and instead use the term padishah.

Sultans Facts

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