Facts About Things You Won't Believe Are Legal

Is that legal? Uh yes. The law, despite being upstanding and illustrious, is fickle. Societies change, and it's astonishing what was once legal in so-called civilized society.

Conversely, some countries and states simply don't always have the time to update all their laws, leading to some strange current legal practices out there. Here are 20 things you won't believe were (and are!) still legal.

Disclaimer: Just because something is legal by the written word of the law, that does not mean it's an OK thing to do. Use common sense, respect the safety of others, and treat people with kindness.

Legal Facts

19. High Times

Meth was once FDA-approved and sold as "Methedrine" in pharmacies. In fact, many illicit substances were once not only legal but widely sold.

Legal Facts


18. Can You Just Leave a Package Slip?

It was once legal to mail children through the post—although really only because no one had thought of it.

At the time, the post only had weight limits, and there are several stories of quick-thinking families who sent their children through the mail rather than shell out for train tickets.

Legal Facts


17. Castration Normalization

Castration was once a perfectly normal and legal thing to do, which is why we had the Eunuchs and Castrati.

Homosexuality was also often treated with chemical castration; famed computer scientist Alan Turing opted to be chemically castrated rather than to face jail time.

Legal Facts
