Awesome Facts About Chris Pratt

“My favorite way to blow off steam is to sing obnoxiously loud in the shower.” – Christ Pratt

He has been referred to as a human golden retriever, so we hope you’re ready for some fun and goofy facts about Chris Pratt.

Chris Pratt Facts


Several years ago, Chris made a video of himself reading a fake text from Steven Spielberg accepting a role for Jurassic Park 4. Little did he know he would end up starring in Jurassic World...Or did he?

Chris Pratt Facts

Flickr, Red Carpet Report on Mingle Media TV

2. Shame on the shamers

Pratt has become known for his ability to bulk and cut for various roles. His role in Jurrassic Park 2 is no different. In fact, he has lost so much weight that people are saying he is too skinny.

He eloquently responded to these allegations with an Instagram post in a way only Pratt can.

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3. Secret stripper past

Le gasp! Chris Pratt used to work as a stripper, before his career took off, but he was apparently not very good. He auditioned for a steady gig at a strip club, but bombed the audition.

Chris Pratt Facts

Flickr, Gage Skidmore