Contradictory Facts About Jon Voight, Hollywood’s Reformed Hippie

Would the real Jon Voight please stand up? This chameleon actor wowed audiences as a Texan hustler even though he was from Yonkers, New York. He was a hippie who fought for peace, then turned around and cast the blame on himself—and other lefties.

In his youth, he was a staunch Democrat, but he later called Donald Trump the “greatest president since Abraham Lincoln". America has watched as Voight has done an amazing political 180. But how did this happen?

Let’s look at the facts and see for ourselves.

1. It Began On A Cold Day

It was a cold December day in Yonkers, New York when Jon Voight came into this world. Dad was a professional golfer, and Mom stayed at home with the kids. There were three boys in total: Jon, Barry, and Chip. All three boys went to Archbishop Stepinac High School. It was there that Jon Voight became interested in something that would change his entire life.

jon voight

2. They Had Three Different Paths

The three Voight brothers had different interests. Barry Voight went on to become a volcanologist who predicted the  Mount Saint Helens volcano eruption. Chip, who later used the last name "Taylor", wrote two extremely popular songs: "Wild Thing"

and "Angel of the Morning". Jon Voight, however, discovered the theater, and it soon became his passion.

Jon Voight Facts

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3. He Got A Big Break

After graduating with his BA in 1960, Voight followed his passion and began acting. He appeared in a few TV series and then, in 1962, got a big Broadway break: The Sound of Music. This was a big deal as it was the original Broadway production of the much beloved musical. This wasn’t, however, just a stepping stone for Voight's career. It also led to love.

Jon Voight Facts

Flickr, Mark Mathosian

4. They Were A Little Older

In The Sound of Music, Voight's character Rolf, is in love with Liesl. On stage they shared one of production’s most iconic songs: "Sixteen Going on Seventeen". Well, the real actors were a little older than that. Old enough, in fact, to get married. And that's exactly what Jon Voight and Lauri Peters did in 1962. Soon after the wedding, however, Voight was back at it, picking up roles in mostly western and WWII TV dramas. Voight was doing what he could. Thankfully, his big break was just around the corner.

Jon Voight Facts

Flickr, Mark Mathosian