Karens Run Amok

Be nice to people. Sounds pretty simple, right? Well, it's not. These entitled jerks chose the opposite—and I can't say I'd be particularly nice if I had to deal with these Karens run amok.

1. Flying Footlong

A seven-year-old girl came into my store to get the sandwich with a note listing the ingredients she wanted on it. At the cash, I rang in the sandwich, and the little girl passed me one filled-out Sub-Club card, which used to be good for a 6"

sandwich with a purchase of a 28 oz drink. I cleared the cash and rang it in again, discounting half the sub.

I told the girl how much she owed me and she just stood there, looking at me. I asked her what was wrong and she said that her mom never gave her any money. I asked if her mom was outside and if she could go get her. This is where the nightmare started. The girl left and came back in crying, getting towed behind a raging mammoth of a woman who was demanding to talk to my manager about how she was being disrespected.

I explained to her the usage of the card and pointed out where the details were printed. She screamed, reached over the counter, grabbed the sandwich, and then threw it at my head.

My manager later saw the security footage and called me laughing his butt off about it.


Customer not always right


2. Fast Food PTSD

I went through a McDonald's drive-thru once and the place was slammed inside and out. After ordering, I was asked to park next to the curb and someone would bring my order to me as soon as possible. A girl walked up to my car visibly shaken and as she handed me my food, she said something that made my heart sink: "Please don't slap me." I said, "What?" Apparently, the last lady she delivered food to yelled at her and slapped her across the face because it took so long.


Customer not always right


3. From Hero To Zero

I was working at a gas station a few years back on the graveyard shift. It was around 1 am when a really heavy guy walked into the store with a brown bag on his head. He came up to the counter and showed me the brick he had in his hand.

He said that if I didn't give him the money in the register,  he would beat me with it. Now, I am a pretty big dude, so I just smiled at him.

This set him off and he chucked the brick at me, but it flew right past me to the side. He then ran out of the store. I called the authorities and my manager. I told him what happened, and his response floored me. I ended up getting fired for not giving him the money...Apparently, it was policy to just give robbers whatever they ask for. I was a liability because I didn't follow the procedure. What made it worse was that my son was just born and I was the only one working in my family at the time.


Customer not always right


4. Do You Know Who I Am?

Try dealing with Karen when you’re an officer. "Do you know who my husband is?" "You better not touch me. My husband is so and so" Yea ok, well tell me who your husband is on your way to the clinker, lady.  Or Karen a military officer’s wife: "

My husband is a captain. Where’s my salute?"

