42 Facts About Remarkable Women Who Made History

April 26, 2019 | Miles Brucker

42 Facts About Remarkable Women Who Made History

Though they have had uphill battles throughout history, many women have left an everlasting mark in the human narrative. Often having their legacies undermined, these confident women didn’t listen when they were told “it’s a man’s world.”

Here are 42 badass facts about women who made history (more like herstory!).

42. Curied Away

Marie Curie, a Polish scientist, made an indelible mark on the world we live in today. Her research on radioactive substances lead to many great discoveries at the cost of her own health. She was the first woman to be awarded a Nobel prize, discovered Radium, helped create the first ever ambulances, and saved the lives of countless soldiers during WWII. She never once patented her discoveries, deciding that her findings were for the betterment of humanity, and not personal profit.

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41. Running Joke

Kathrine Switzer became the first woman to ever run the Boston Marathon in 1967. Though other women had completed the marathon, Kathrine was the first to be a registered runner. When the organizer found out she was running the marathon, he tried to stop her and remove her bib. Her boyfriend, who was also running the marathon, managed to shove the organizer off of Switzer, and she finished the race without any further complications. Pictures of Semple, the organizer, trying to stop her from running were widespread throughout the media. It wasn’t another 5 years until women were allowed to officially run in the marathon.

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40. Smarty Pants

Margaret Heafield was the director of software engineering for NASA’s Apollo space program. She wrote the mathematical sequence that enabled the Apollo mission to be successful. She was so good at what she did, NASA would have her double check equations done by the computers.

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39. Space Case

Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman in space, aboard the Vostok 6. She was selected from over 400 candidates, and beat out 4 other finalists for the opportunity to do so in 1963. Remember to aim for the stars kids!

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38. Skywalker

Amelia Earhart was the first female aviator to fly across the Atlantic ocean in 1928. She was given U.S. Distinguished Flying Cross for this accomplishment. Earhart was quoted as saying “Women must try to do things as men have tried. When they fail their failure must be but a challenge to others.”

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37. In The Right(s)

Komako Kimura was a Japanese suffragist, and marched on Fifth Avenue in New York to demand the right to vote for women. Komako did this in 1917, when xenophobia was still a big problem in America. Way to go Komako!

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36. Engineered Badass

Eliza Zamfirescu was the world's first ever female engineer. She graduated from Royal Academy of Technology Berlin in 1912, after being rejected in her home country of Romania due to prevailing misogyny at the time. Just goes to show, if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.

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35. Edge Of Your Seat

Rosa Parks was a civil rights activist famous for refusing to obey bus driver James F. Blake's order to give up her seat in the "colored section" to a white passenger, which was mandatory after the whites-only section was filled. Her defiance became a symbol of the modern Civil Rights Movement. She also collaborated with civil rights leaders, including Edgar Nixon, the president of the local NAACP chapter, and Martin Luther King.

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34. Brainiac

Sofia Ionescu was a Romanian neurosurgeon who worked in the field of neurosurgery for over 47 years, performing every single procedure known to medical science in that time. She is considered one of the first ever female neurosurgeons in the world.

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33. Scholar And A Lady

Fatima al-Fihri was an Arab muslim woman who is credited with founding the University of Al-Quaraouiyine in Morocco in 859 CE. The university is still operating to this day, and is often referred to as the oldest operating university in the world, though it wasn’t officially a university until the 1950’s.

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32. Bulletproof

Stephanie Kwolek was an American chemist who invented Kevlar, the material used in most bulletproof vests and body armor. In 1995, she became the fourth ever woman to be inducted into the National Inventors Hall Of Fame. Kevlar isn’t just used for bulletproof armor though, and is often used to make tennis rackets, boats, planes, skis, ropes, cables, and tires.

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31. To The Death

Julie D’Aubigny was a bisexual 17th century opera singer and fencing master who performed nightly shows on one of the biggest opera stages in the world at the time. She was known to take many lovers, one of which was a young woman who was sent to a convent to become a nun when her parents found out about her affair with Julie. Julie followed her to the convent and entered as a prostitute, later escaping with her lover but only after burning the convent to the ground. She killed or wounded at least ten men in fencing duels to the death. Talk about killing it!

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30. Royal Pain

Rani Lakshmi Bai was the Queen of Jhansi and one of the most important heroines of the first war for Indian freedom from British rule. She rebelled when the British tried to annex her territory, and met her oppressors on the battlefield on horseback, with her child strapped to her back. Though she was eventually killed in battle, she fought to her last breath for something she believed in.

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29. Asian Sensation

Ching Shih was a prostitute that was captured by pirates in the early 1800s. She soon married the pirate's captain, Cheng I. When Cheng died she maneuvered herself into a leadership position, and soon was the captain of her own fleet which she grew to over 1800 ships. She commanded 40,000 to 80,000 pirates throughout her career and is known as one of the most successful pirates of all time. She was so good at what she did, the Chinese Imperial Navy, Portuguese Navy, and the Royal British Navy were helpless against her. Shih was recently depicted in Pirates of the Caribbean as one of the nine pirate lords.

The Most Incredible People in History FactsPirates of the Caribbean: At World

28. Farsighted

Lyudmila Pavlichenko is the most successful female sniper in human history. Initially barred entry into the Red Army to due to her sex, Lyudmila would go on to rack up 309 confirmed kills in WWII. Her terrifying skills as a sniper and impressive kill count earned her the nickname “Lady Death” from her German enemies.

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27. Secret Agent (Wo)Man

Virginia Hall was considered the “most dangerous of all allied spies” by the Germans, who referred to her as “The Limping Lady” due to her wooden leg. She worked behind German lines for over 30 years, and is the most successful female spy ever to have worked for the OSS (precursor to the CIA). After WWII, she was the only female civilian to be recognized for her service and was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross from OSS director General Donovan.

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26. Judo Chop

Nancy Wake was another allied spy during WWII. She personally helped save over 200 downed allied pilots from falling into the hands of Nazi Germany’s penal system. She survived over 4 days of Gestapo interrogations, blew up a Nazi supply depot and had a bounty of 5 Million Francs placed on her head. As if that wasn’t bad ass enough, she also killed an SS Stormtrooper with her bare hands by delivering a single strike to his throat.

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25. Tanks A Lot

Mariya Oktyabrskaya sold all of her belongings to purchase a T-34 tank after her husband was killed while fighting Nazis on the Eastern front during WWII. She donated the tank to the Red Army on the condition that she would be the one to pilot it. She was known to get out of her tank to perform repairs during intense battles. It was this bravery that earned her the Hero Of The Soviet Union medal after the war.

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24. Gengher Khan

Khutulun was the great-great-granddaughter of legendary conqueror Genghis Khan. Taught the inner workings of military life by her father, Khutulun became a skilled and powerful warrior. For her marriage, she proposed a challenge: any man that could best her in a wrestling match would have the honor of taking her hand in marriage. If they lost, they would have to give her a horse. Legend says Khutulun won over 10,000 horses.

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23. Going Pro(gramming)

Ada Lovelace was an English mathematician and writer. She is known for her work on Charles Babbage’s proposed mechanical general purpose computer, The Analytical Engine. She was the first to recognize the machine had more use than just calculations, became the first ever programmer in the world as a result.

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22. Serbs Them Right

Milunka Savic was a Serbian war hero during WWI and the Balkan Wars. Initially entering the military by pretending to be a man, Milunka would go on to become one of the most decorated female combatants of all time, being awarded distinctions from France, Russia, Serbia and England.

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21. Voted In

Kate Sheppard was a women's rights activist in New Zealand, and the most famous suffragette in the country. She lead the charge for women’s suffrage in New Zealand, eventually leading New Zealand to be the first country that gave women the right to vote. She is now a national hero and depicted on the 10 NZD note.

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20. Wrong again.

Billie Jean King is an American Tennis legend, having won over 39 Grand Slam titles: 12 in women’s singles, 16 in women’s doubles, and 11 in mixed doubles. King was also the first ever prominent female athlete to come out as gay, something that was unheard of in 1981. She also took on Bobby Riggs in a match that would forever be known as "The Battle of the Sexes." Riggs was past his prime but was convinced that he could beat the best female pro. She whooped him decisively, three sets to none.

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19. The British Are Coming!

Sybil Ludington was the daughter of Colonel Henry Ludington and is a celebrated hero of the American Revolutionary war. Her rise to fame occurred when she got on her horse to warn Colonial forces of British forces approach, riding twice the distance of her male counterpart Paul Revere.

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18. Speed Racer

Eliska Junkova was a Czechoslovakian automobile racer. Not only was she participating in the male dominated sport, she was able to be competitive while doing so. She is often considered to be one of, if not the greatest female driver in Grand Prix motor racing history.

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17. Vive La Resistance

Simone Segouin is a former French resistance fighter who helped liberate France from the clutches of Nazi Germany. Among her first acts of defiance was stealing a bicycle belonging to a Nazi military administrator that she then used to deliver messages to the resistance. She also took on often perilous missions like derailing trains and blowing up bridges with great success.

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16. Small Carbon Footprint

Rachel Carson was an American biologist and environmentalist. She challenged the prevailing idea of conquering nature that most industrialists had at the time, and her book Silent Spring is credited with advancing the global environmentalist movement. Thanks for all your amazing work Rachel!

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15. Sendler’s List

Irena Sendler was a Polish nurse and humanitarian who ran the Polish Underground in Nazi occupied Poland. She was the head of the children’s section, Zegota, and with the help of a few dozen other Zegota members, she was able to save over 2,500 Jewish children by smuggling them out of the Warsaw Ghetto, and providing them with falsified documents once out. With the exception of diplomats who granted visas to Jews during WWII, Sendler saved more Jews than any other individual during the Holocaust.

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14. Space Case Part II

Eileen Collins is a retired NASA astronaut and US Air Force Colonel. A former military test pilot and instructor, Eileen was the first ever female pilot and first female commander of a space shuttle. In total, Eileen has logged 38 days, 8 hours, and 20 minutes in space.

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13. Schooled

Mary Harris Jones, also known as “Mother Jones” was an Irish born American schoolteacher. She rose to fame because of her work in organizing labor unions to protect the rights of laborers, namely miners. She helped coordinate major strikes that lead to safer working conditions for miners and other laborers, and even cofounded the Industrial Workers of the World, which is to this day fighting for laborers’ rights throughout the world.

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12. Take Flight

Sabiha Gokcen was the first ever female Turkish combat pilot, and was only 23 when she earned that title. Though there is some dispute, many consider Sabiha to be the first ever female fighter pilot. Sabiha was such a pioneer in the field of aviation that one of two international airports serving Istanbul is named after her.

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11. Chief Leaf

Known as simply Woman Chief (but sometimes referred to as Pine Leaf), was an indigenous warrior and leader of the Crow People. She was interested in traditionally male pursuits, eventually becoming an adept hunter and military leader. She was known to take female many female lovers and even vowed to kill 100 men with her bare hands. There’s no record of her doing so, but given her track record, there’s no reason to believe she couldn’t have done it if she wanted to.

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10. Lover Not A Fighter

Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz was a 17th century poet who lived in Mexico City. Most of her poetry was a bit too raunchy for the tastes of the Catholic church, the ruling political force at the time. She came to be known as one of the world’s most daring erotic writers of her time.

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9. Three Times The Fun

The Mirabal sisters, Patria, Minerva and Maria were Dominican revolutionaries who fearlessly opposed the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo. They quickly became regarded as symbols of resistance and feminist icons known as the “Butterflies.” Not even several stints in prison were enough to slow these sisters down, so Trujillo ordered an assassination on the three that was successful. Their deaths sparked public outrage and many believe was a leading cause for Trujillo’s own assassination, just six months later.

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8. Asian Sensation Part II

Raden Ajeng Kartini was an advocate for women’s emancipation and education in Indonesia. She is hailed as Indonesia’s first feminist, and wrote extensively about improving public health care and protection of traditional arts on Java Island, as well as writing against Dutch colonial rule of Indonesia. Raden is a title that was granted to her, similar to the title Duchess, in recognition of her hard work.

Women Who Made History Facts

7. Red Blooded American

Ida B. Wells was a brilliant American journalist, suffragist, and anti-lynching activist. When three of her friends were lynched in 1892, she investigated the murders and wrote about her findings her newspaper The Free Speech. As a result, her newspaper’s office was destroyed by an angry mob, forcing Wells to move to Chicago where she continued write on the law and history of lynching. Along with fellow suffragist Jane Addams, she was able to block the establishment of segregated schools in Chicago.

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6. Painted Lady

Artemisia Gentileschi was one of the most famous and skilled painters of the Baroque era, who achieved artistic acclaim at a time when women weren’t even allowed to enroll in artistic academies. Artemisia was raped by a colleague of her father, also a painter, and was forced to endure a brutal trial. Eventually her rapists were convicted but never served the sentence. Artemisia then painted one of her most famous paintings, Judith Slaying Holofernes, which many believed to be revenge for the sham trial she was subjected to.


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Artemisia Gentileschi painting

5. The Original Mulan

Tomoe Gozen was a legendary 12th century samurai warrior. Noted for being a skilled archer, she was often referred to as a “warrior worth a thousand.” Tomoe was one of many Onna-Bugeisha, female samurai warriors who fought alongside their male counterparts.

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4. Lady Justice

Yaa Asantewaa was a leading figure in the war against British Colonialism in what is present day Ghana. Yaa was a warrior queen who also happened to be a 60 year old grandmother when she began fighting the British. These days Yaa Asantewaa is celebrated as the epitome of African womanhood and resistance to European colonialism.


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3. Hair To The Throne

CJ Walker was America’s first self made female millionaire, making her fortune on hair care products aimed at African-American women. Walker also used her money to donate to philanthropic causes, and even became a patron of the arts. Don’t you just love a rags to riches story?

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2. Warrior Queen

AEthelflaed, Lady of the Mercians was a warrior queen, who after her husband died, took over as ruler of her small Anglo-Saxon kingdom and fended off multiple viking invasions. Her ascension to the throne after her husband’s death has been described as “one of the most unique events in early medieval history.”

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1. A Pirate’s Life For Me

Jeanne de Clisson was married to an English nobleman who was imprisoned and beheaded as a result of the proxy wars between England and France. Enraged by this, Jeanne sold off the Clisson estate, bought herself a ship, and began her career as a pirate in the English channel, attacking and robbing every French ship she got her hands on. As revenge, she personally beheaded every French nobleman she captured. She did this for 13 years, before retiring to remarry. Who said revenge won’t help you get ahead?

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Sources:  1, 2, 3

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