True Facts About The Biggest Lies In History
“History is a pack of lies about events that never happened told by people who weren't there.”
―George Santayana
From personal affairs to financial schemes to events that never happened, the world has been told some enormous lies throughout history. Below are 45 true facts about the biggest lies in history.
Biggest Lies In History Facts
45. So He Didn’t Chop Down that Cherry Tree?
At one time or another, most children have been told the story about George Washington and the cherry tree. The story is supposed to exemplify Washington’s honesty, but it turns out that it was completely made up by Washington’s biographer.
44. A Slight Exaggeration
Everyone knows Paul Revere’s famous cry “The British Are Coming! The British Are Coming!” during his midnight ride, but he never said that, or even rode through Concord at all.
After his death at age 76, poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow made Revere famous with his “Midnight Ride” Poem, in which he greatly exaggerated the true events.
43.We’re Totally Not Building a Wall!
On the same day that construction began on the Berlin Wall, German Communist leader Walter Ulbricht publicly claimed that "Nobody has the intention of building a wall.”
The wall stood for almost thirty years and separated the city (and families) before it was brought down.