Ferocious Facts About the Fiercest Women in Movie History

Female characters have come a long way from the passive roles they were usually relegated to in the early days of film.

In the past few decades, there has been a surge in amazing, badass women in movies, ranging from women wielding vast political power to iconic action heroes to terrifying villains.

Enjoy these 45 fierce facts about the most ferocious women in cinematic history.

Fiercest Women in Movie History Facts

45. Kind of a Skywalker

The design of Rey for Star Wars: The Force Awakens is thought to be based on concept art for Luke Skywalker, from a time early in production when George Lucas was considering making Luke female. Better late than never!

Fiercest Women in Movie History Facts

Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Walt Disney Studios

44. Humble (And Kind of Racist) Beginnings

The concept for Mulan started with a short Disney was developing called China Doll. This short revolved around an oppressed Chinese girl who was rescued and whisked away to the West by a British soldier. Around the same time, a consultant brought up an idea for a film based on the poem “The Song of Fa Mulan.” Disney ultimately combined the two projects, dropping the China Doll idea.

Disney Princesses Facts

Mulan,‎Walt Disney Productions

43. Stunts for Two

Gal Gadot was pregnant while filming reshoots for Wonder Woman. Her baby bump was covered with green cloth that would allow editors to digitally remove it in post-production. Gadot commented that the green addition to her armor looked like “Wonder Woman pregnant with Kermit the Frog.”

Gal Gadot facts

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