Inconvenient Facts About Global Warming

0Global Warming, or Climate Change is the change in Earth’s surface temperature.

Normally the Earth’s temperature changes on its own, but due to industrialization of the last hundred or so years, human activity has sped up this process, and the results could be catastrophic.

Here are 42 global warming facts you’ll warm up to.

Global Warming Facts

42. Gassy

Global warming is the result of increase in the earth’s average surface temperature due to greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane. These gases are required for the presence of human life on earth.

However, global warming is happening due to over-emittance of these gases.

Global Warming Facts

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41. Legacy

Emissions like carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and other greenhouses gases will remain in the atmosphere for many years making it impossible to eliminate global warming for several decades.

That’s why it is imperative to begin the work to reduce these emissions now.

Global Warming Facts


40. Water World

According to IPCC 2007 report, sea levels will rise by 7-23 inches by the end of this century due to global warming. This means cities and towns closer to sea level could be partially submerged. Better invest in waterwings now.

Global Warming Facts
