Night Shift Horror Stories
Vincent Van Gogh once said: “I often think that the night is more richly colored than the day.” If you ask anyone who has worked an overnight shift, they would probably agree.
For some reason, the night brings out a whole new world of strange, odd, and sometimes, downright dangerous occurrences. Keep reading for some terrifying night shift stories that may prevent you from ever becoming a night owl.
1. The Unassuming Menace
I worked nights at a gas station located in a pretty good neighborhood. It was usually boring...until one night, my faith was tested to its limits. I was getting ready to close the store when a little old man came in. He was pretty unassuming—small, dressed in khakis and a button-down shirt. I made the usual small talk.
As I was handing him his change, he firmly grabbed my wrist, made direct eye contact with me, and said the most terrifying thing: "Hades is real and he has already got his hand on you girl, be careful." It creeped me out.

2. Egg-celent Service
I had been working long hours when a guy walked up to me and asked, “ Do you sell eggs by the half dozen?" I replied that we did not and that he would have to buy a full dozen. He told me he only needed six.
He was starting to get on my nerves, so I told him, "I don't care. You get 12 or you get zero!" Without saying another word, he walked back to get his dozen eggs, paid for them, and walked out.
I thought that would be the end of it, but I was wrong. He then proceeded to throw his six unwanted eggs at the store window before driving off.
3. Safeway Chicken
I worked nights as a Safeway courtesy clerk. We had two entrances, both on the same side of the building, one on each end. One of the sets of doors was supposed to be locked and blocked by the manager after a certain hour. We were having a slow night when suddenly, we heard a commotion at the set of doors that should have been locked earlier in the night.
I looked over and saw a man in a chicken suit running into the store, clucking and flapping his bent arms, followed by a man in a biohazard suit, holding a walkie-talkie, yelling into it, "Code 40! Code 40!
We've got a chicken on the loose, shake and bake in progress!" The chase went right between the registers and the aisles, down to the other end of the store.
They circled back and ran past us again, and back out the doors from which they came. The whole time, the cashier and I stood at the register and watched, not moving, or saying anything.
After they were gone, the manager came out, looked around, muttered something under his breath, and went to lock up that set of doors. It was very surreal.
4. Out Of Nowhere
I watched a truck pull up to one of our pumps. A guy got out to pump gas when all of a sudden, a Durango came speeding out from the back of the building. Another guy got out with a pistol and aimed it at the first guy.
I was on the phone with a friend of mine and I said, "Someone just pulled something at the pump, I'm going to have to let you go."
I called for help immediately. Later on, I learned the surprising truth—turns out, the guy pumping gas had robbed a store three towns over and the Durango was an undercover officer who had been in pursuit.