People Share The Strangest And Most Surprising Truths About Their Family

No family is perfect, and most are harboring their fair share of mysteries and buried truths. Some of these secrets are pretty harmless, while others are dark as night.

So dark, in fact, that you might wonder if they should’ve just stayed buried, never seeing the light of day.

Sometimes rigorous research is required to unearth these bombshells, and sometimes all it takes is a particularly loose-lipped relative letting something slip after one too many glasses of wine.

But those strange family truths usually comes out in some form or another, and these Redditors were there to witness them. Here are some of the darkest, strangest and most scandalous family secrets you’re ever likely to hear.

Family Members Facts


1. Nothing Like a Morning Cleanse

My mom throws water on our first day of school. Like, we would walk through the door on the first day of school, and she would throw water from a cup into the lawn. She's Yugoslavian, and it's apparently a tradition from her youth.

It supposedly symbolizes "cleansing you from your past." I thought it was normal until my older brother pointed out when he graduated high school that no one else does this.

I wrote that she still does this because I'm in grad school. I don't live with my parents, but my mom apparently still does it at the beginning of September even if I'm not there. I love my mom.


Strange Family Traditions Facts


2. A Contract With Questionable MensRea

My grandfather had my grandma change her will to cut out my mom 2 years after my grandma had developed full blown dementia.


Family Members Facts


3. A Warm Welcome Anywhere

Toilet cozies (basically, clothing for your toilet.) I grew up with them and had to change the toilet every time I cleaned our hall bathroom. In college, I was shopping with a friend about to buy my own toilet cozies, when my friend said, "Ew!

WHY would you put that on your toilet? Won't it just collect germs and bacteria?!"

I thought about it for a moment and was genuinely mortified.



4. It Ain’t Easy Being Green

Every New Year, my dad buys a cabbage. It’s sort of like a this 'good luck' ritual for him to dance around the house with it and peel pieces off and place them on things for good luck. We'd all take turns dancing with it.

I remember talking to a friend in elementary school about dancing with the cabbage for New Year’s and them thinking it was extremely odd.

