"I Quit On The Spot" 😬
Starting a new job is nerve-wracking, but it can be downright horrifying if you realize it's something you did not sign up for. Here are some true stories of people who quit on the spot.
1. Signed, Sealed, Delivered
I got fired from a pizza delivery job once and was told I had to finish my shift on a Friday night. They said I was a “no call, no show” the previous day. There was just one problem. I hadn’t been scheduled. They wrote me in but didn't call me. The ink wasn't even the same color as the rest of the schedule.
So when I showed up for work the next day they told me I was fired for “no call, no show," but I had to stay and work. I said screw that—and made the best decision of my life.
I walked two doors over to the Chinese place and asked if they needed a delivery guy. I was hired on the spot. Plus I got free egg rolls.
2. Got Burned
I was a restaurant manager, and the owner spilled scalding chicken noodle down the length of my entire body. It was so hot and painful to the point I had to strip my soaking boiling shoes. My reaction was to run around and scream. He told me, "
If you keep cursing, I'm going to have to fire you!" But that wasn't the worst part.
I definitely needed medical attention, which he refused. I went to the hospital anyway, came to work the next day with bandages, and was told I would work today's shift as repayment for missing my previous one.
I explained that it was against the law and gave him an ultimatum: either he fix it by paying my medical bills or I walk.
He laughed, saying I had no control over it. So I walked. But I eventually got my revenge. Three months later after filing a suit, I supplied all the information needed to indict him on tax evasion, failure to properly insure, and failure to maintain a safe workplace.
This and his other businesses had to be sold for him to afford the legal costs, my medical bills, and the mandatory restitution payments.
The stupid idiot is still paying me out, and now that he's fulfilled his sentenced time, he lives in a relatively medium-sized town and we frequent the same locations, I consistently remind him of when his next payment is due.
3. The IT Crowd
I quit a job on the first day. My role was supposed to be IT tech—but this idiotic company had no clue what IT techs were actually responsible for. They thought "IT does everything," including making sure their lights were replaced.
I had one lady complain about me not changing her lightbulb fast enough because the burned-out one shattered on me and cut my hand open. I knew just what to do to get back at them. I dropped the box of fluorescents, shattering literally all of them, and walked out.
I told my supervisor he needs to hire actual maintenance cause IT fixes computers.
4. A Groomer's Nightmare
I worked at a dog grooming place for one day. My job was to give the dogs baths and dry them, and there were about five other, older employees back there with me. I have never seen such terrible treatment of animals in my life. The dogs were SCREAMING. The whole experience broke my heart.
The other employees would squirt shampoo and water straight into their eyes. The dogs were so desperate to escape the tub, they were pulling at the leashes until they literally choked.
I got yelled at for not getting a Pomeranian dry enough, and the groomer took the dog herself and blasted it with hot, concentrated air.
The dog obviously flipped out and started screaming and biting while trying to get away. She put the drying hose directly against the dog's skin, and the air was so hot it hurt my own hands. I quit that day and never went back.