Extremely Educated Idiots

Being highly specialized in one area of study can sometimes dim one's knowledge in the common sense department. Having a  higher education does not necessarily mean that one is more intelligent—far from it!

Buckle up, because these are some extremely educated idiots.

1. Bad Combination

My wife's stepfather was a chemist who currently has diabetes. One night, he went to the ER because his blood sugar was dangerously high. He claimed that he was eating well—he normally doesn't and was baffled as to why his blood sugar was high. Then we looked in his car, and we made a disturbing discovery. 

We found a two-liter bottle of ginger ale mixed in with grape juice. He said that the two canceled their sugars out and we didn't know what we were talking about because he was a chemist and he knows how to combine things.


Extremely Educated Idiots


2. Not The Brightest

My husband is one of the smartest people I’ve ever met but he really just lacks common sense sometimes. Once he was cleaning out his computer case with a can of air duster. He couldn’t see what was written on his case, so he lit a lighter to illuminate it. He did this while he was spraying a can of compressed air on it.

There was a huge fireball and he messed up his computer and his eyebrows. I still give him heck for it to this day.


Extremely Educated Idiots


3. Painful Lesson

I once knew a girl who was academically a genius, but was incapable of applying her knowledge and experiences to real-life situations. We were in a cooking class one day. I heard the tap running behind me and then suddenly a really loud scream followed by a crash.

Apparently, she had decided that the best way to take a super hot dish out of the oven was to wet her hand until it was really cold and then pick up the pan since the water just conducted the heat more and intensified the burns.

She knew how insulation and conduction worked from science, even though she saw everyone else using oven mitts or tea towels. But she decided if her hand was really cold, it would even out with the hot pan and let her pick it up. Boy, was she wrong.


Extremely Educated Idiots


4. Clogged Brain

When I did my summer study abroad program, we lived in a hotel. There were four to a room with just beds, a small fridge but no kitchen or even a microwave.

It was expensive to eat out all the time so we'd get groceries that didn’t require cooking or the need for a lot of utensils, like salad and sandwich stuff.

Well, one day I was showering and the drain started getting clogged. I reached down expecting to pull out a bunch of hair, especially since we all had long hair. Instead, I pulled out—lettuce—a bunch of lettuce. And I’m like WHAT? So I asked my roommates if anyone had put salad down the shower drain.

Finally, one roommate said, “Yeah, we don’t have a sink, where else would I clean the scraps off my dishes?" I had to explain to her what a garbage disposal was and how showers don’t have them and therefore food would clog them.

The irony of this was that her field of study was neuroscience.


Extremely Educated Idiots
