"Screw It:" People Describe The Moments They Threw Caution To The Wind

Most people can appreciate the value of a steady routine in their lives—but what happens when that routine gets broken?

For some of us, there are rare moments every now and then when we choose to ignore all our normal decision-making methods and just say “screw it!” before taking some kind of action that we will never forget.

For better or for worse, here are 42 stories about what some of those moments have looked like.

1. It’s a Small World After All

My biggest throwing caution to the wind moment was skipping several days during a work conference to go to Disney World and Universal Studios. No way in heck was I getting a free pass to Florida and not going to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

When I walked by the castle, I immediately knew I had made the right choice. It was worth every second.


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2. I Spy with My Little Eye

A few days ago, I had the opportunity to get laser eye surgery. Without even thinking twice about it, I called in sick to work. This upset my boss, but who cares! It’s only four days later and I’m already seeing 20/20!!


Caution to the Wind facts


3. A Royal Sendoff

My biggest throwing caution to the wind moment was finally hitting the "send" button on an email I wrote to my husband's mistress.


Caution to the Wind facts


4. On the Road to Recovery

When I called my wife and finally admitted to her that I had a drinking problem. That was one hard phone call to make, I tell you what. Of course, she already knew, as most did, but getting it out there verbally was hard. It's been a year and a half since I made that call. I’ve been both sober and well-hydrated with carbonated water for the entire time.


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